Tuesday, September 11, 2012

maxi skirt- yoga pants, the next generation

Free People tank // TJ Maxx skirt // Mom's old purse // Forever 21 aviators

Since I'm leaving for DC in three days to start an internship, I'm spending as much time as possible at the beach before I go. And who knew, September has the best beach weather! It was perfect. Not to mention this maxi skirt is potentially the most comfortable article of clothing I own- okay, that title belongs to a plus sized chenille sweater I purchased from Target- but a close second at least. 

- K. 


  1. Really liked your attire. Have recently joined yoga class and happy wearing Carbon 38 workout clothes for it. Bought best quality yoga pants along with tank tops. Everything is so comfy and I am very glad to have them for my exercise.

  2. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! yoga clothing
