Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back in Action!

Katina's vest // Thrifted denim shirt // Etienne Aigner purse // Karen Scott boots

After many, many, many weeks I'm happy to announce that I'm back in the blogging world!!!!! Woohoo!
(Oh and Katina is too, haha even though she's been patiently waiting for me to get my life organized)
Since my last blog post, I've moved back to NC and gotten a big-girl job...some pretty big changes, but they're the good kind of changes that take a while to get used to. Now that I'm finally falling into a daily routine, I'm happy to fit this blog back into my life-and hopefully you're happy to have it back in yours!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

the last cold day

Loft shirt // H&M pants // Target scarf // Gap coat // Gifted watch // Relic satchel

Confession #1- these pictures are old. They're from the last really cold day I can remember. Wandering around Georgetown... even in this coat and scarf... was rough to say the least. I think my friend described it best as "definitely glove weather." 

Confession #2- this is someone's garage. But isn't it awesome, as far as garages go? Also, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I didn't realize those stars (like the ones you see above) on old houses are actually star bolts that are tightened periodically to keep the structure from leaning. Pretty and useful- I like it. 

Regardless, I can't think of a better way to spend the last day of winter than with coffee and cookie at Dean & Deluca. 
